Frequently Asked Questions

At the Summit

  • The Summit is taking place in the main building of the Technical University Berlin’s central campus (Building H). The address is Strasse des 17. Juni 135, 10623 Berlin.
  • Upon arrival to the summit, please check in at the registration desk (loacted on the ground floor next to the room H0104).
  • You only need to register on the first day of your participation any time after 14h00 on Sunday or 7h30 on all other days to collect your name badge.
  • Parallel sessions last 90-minutes and include 4 to 6 scientific presentations by different speakers.
  • Each parallel session focuses on a specific theme and method. For instance, Climate Solutions & Health: Evidence Synthesis.
  • Each parallel session has one technical support assistant and one moderator.
  • You should arrive at the room specified in the program overview 15 minutes before the sessions start.
  • You should arrive at the room specified in the program overview 15 minutes before the sessions start.
  • Every invited speaker will give a 10 minute presentation followed by a 5 minute discussion.
  • We expect speakers to use 10-15 slides to support their talk.
  • The content of your presentation has to match your admitted abstract submission.
  • Your presentation should be uploaded to the cloud folder matching the title of the session you are invited to present in latest by the day before your talk in PDF format. The link will be provided to you via e-mail you specified at registration.
  • The WWCS team will be present in most rooms and spaces at all times, you can identify us by white lanyards.
  • You can also reach us by phone at +49 174 9066365 in case of emergency.
  • There will be a media room (H 3003A), which has free access for the participants of the Summit. The media room is a dedicated quiet work space with internet connection. You also have access to the free Wi-Fi network “Free Wi-Fi Berlin”.

Key Dates

  • Start of Admission Announcements and Registration: March 4
  • Deadline for Evidence Accelerator Applications: March 31
  • Deadline for Early Bird Registration: April 15 
  • Deadline for Registration: May 24


Our aim is to keep the costs for registration reasonable. The following rates are available:

  • Participants from Low to Middle Income Countries: 238€
  • Early-Career Researchers: 417€  (320€ for Early Bird)
  • Standard Rate: 595€ (450€ for Early Bird)

For more detailed information, please have a look at our registration page and review our Registration Policies.

The registration went from March 1 to May 24 and is closed now. Registrations before April 15 paid the early bird fee.

The low to middle income countries’ reduced rate applies based on your institutional affiliation. During registration we are requesting proof in the form of a written letter of affiliation by your institute or company, which we will verify before confirming your registration.The list of LMIC that we take as reference is the one compiled by the Wellcome Trust.

The early career researchers rate also applies based on your institutional affiliation and we request proof during registration, which we will verify before sending you a confirmation. We accept a written letter of affiliation by your institute or company or alternatively an enrollment certificate by your university for this rate.

The criteria for a reduced rate is based solely on your institutional affiliation. If you are a national of a LMIC, but you work for a non-LMIC organization, this criteria will not apply to you.


Most of the summit will take place in person at TU Berlin. It will be possible to follow keynotes and panels online as well, though we cannot offer active participation. 

Unfortunately, this part of the event is taking place exclusively in person and will not be available online.

The summit will take place at TU Berlin’s central campus, located in the heart of the Charlottenburg district. You can find more information here.


We are currently exploring the option of providing travel funding in cases where travelling to the summit would otherwise be impossible. The number of allocated stipends is likely to be limited, in which case we will be prioritising funding participants whose work is most relevant to the Summit topics. The stipends will only be available to participants from the Majority World. We will provide more information as soon as the available funding is defined.


No, this is the first iteration of the What Works Climate Solutions Summit. It emerged from related existing conferences, such as the Global Evidence Summit and is similar to the What Works Global Summit.

The summit welcomes everyone who is interested in evidence-based climate solutions. Target audience groups include researchers, policy-makers, and funders of research.

The general program outline can be found on our Program Schedule page