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Quantifying Climate Change Impacts on Waterborne Pathogen Diversity and Abundance in Africa: A Systematic Review

H 0111


Victorien Dougnon

Africa, despite contributing minimally to global greenhouse gas emissions, disproportionately bears the brunt of climate change's consequences. This systematic review quantifies the impact of shifting climatic conditions on waterborne pathogen diversity and abundance in this ecologically diverse continent. We analyze 88 indexed research articles published between 1996 and 2024 using PRISMA guidelines. Key Findings: Increased […]

Conference Theme: Climate Solutions & Health
Research Methods: Quantitative synthesis/meta-analysis, Qualitative synthesis

Climate change and health in Latin America and the Caribbean: What the evidence can tell us

H 0111

Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) are among the regions most affected by climate change. However, little evidence exists on its potential effects on individuals´ health. To fill this gap, this research aims to define the region's most critical developments in the study of economic costs of climate-sensitive infectious diseases and advances in the design, […]

Conference Theme: Climate Solutions & Health
Research Methods: Mixed-methods synthesis

Evidence-Based Priority Setting for Climate Change and Pandemic Preparedness in Sub-Saharan Africa: Findings from a Scoping Review and Stakeholder Consultation

H 0111


Ariel Brunn

Climate change exacerbates the risks associated with climate-sensitive infectious diseases (CSIDs) that have pandemic potential, posing additional threats to already vulnerable populations. Currently, there are critical evidence gaps and inadequate institutional and governance arrangements further impact on Africa’s ability to prepare for CSIDs. Our objective is to explore the role of economic evaluation and data-systems […]

Conference Theme: Climate Solutions & Health
Research Methods: Evidence mapping, Policy evaluation – Other

A systematic review on the monitoring, reporting, and verification (MRV) of Carbon Dioxide Removal

H 3005


Ingrid Schulte

Despite growing demand for carbon dioxide removal (CDR), there remains uncertainty around the integrity and quality of CO2 removal activities. Establishing robust monitoring, reporting, and verification (MRV) systems that support the veracity of CDR claims is essential to scaling investment and deployment. Yet, knowledge on MRV of CDR remains patchy and confusing. Synthesizing the latest […]

Conference Theme: Other
Research Methods: Evidence mapping, Qualitative synthesis

A new taxonomy to map evidence on carbon dioxide removal side effects

H 3005


Ruben Prütz

Beyond rapid emission reductions, carbon dioxide removal (CDR) is critical to ambitious climate change mitigation strategies, yet the environmental, socio-political, and economic implications of its deployment remain insufficiently understood. Recent exponential growth in literature is rapidly filling this gap but makes synthesizing the evidence on CDR side effects increasingly challenging. We address this issue by […]

Conference Theme: Climate Solutions for Land Use
Research Methods: Evidence mapping, Mixed-methods synthesis

Systematic review on side-effects of CDR methods

H 3005


Sylvia Vetter

The interest in carbon dioxide removal (CDR) methods as solutions to mitigate climate change by capturing and sequestering atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) received considerable political and public interest in recent years. However, the deployment of these technologies is not without side-effects, involving complex trade-offs and co-benefits impacting on the environment, society, and the economy. We […]

Conference Theme: Climate Solutions for Land Use
Research Methods: Mixed-methods synthesis

Towards an Ecosystem of Systematic Reviews for Assessing the State of Knowledge in Carbon Dioxide Removal

H 3005


Sabine Fuss

The IPCC’s Sixth Assessment Cycle has clearly shown that Carbon Dioxide removal (CDR) is an essential element of any strategy geared towards achieving the Paris climate goals. Yet, the first edition of the State of CDR Report has indicated a significant gap between how much CDR is deployed even in the most ambitious Paris-consistent mitigation […]

Conference Theme: Other
Research Methods: Other evidence synthesis

Governance of carbon dioxide removal (CDR): an AI-enhanced systematic map of the scientific literature

H 3005


Sarah Lück

For limiting global warming to well below 2°C is not enough to rapidly reduce GHG emissions we also need to actively remove CO2 from the atmosphere. Given that the broader innovation literature consistently finds long time periods involved in scaling up and deploying novel technologies, there is an urgency to developing Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) […]

Conference Theme: Other
Research Methods: Evidence mapping, Digital evidence synthesis and machine-learning methods

Side Event: Democracy and Climate in Crisis I Three Perspectives

H 0106


LEVERAGE POINTS TO SECURE DEMOCRACY AND CLIMATE JUSTICE IN BERLIN & BRANDENBURG Three Perspectives In order to achieve a sustainable transformation, it is important to identify and utilise effective leverages. Systems theory distinguishes between strong and weak leverages, which O’Brien has categorised into different spheres for sustainable transformation – practical, political and personal sphere. The […]

Panel – The Future of Evidence in Climate Policy

H 0104 (Elinor Ostrom Hall)



Panelists: Will Moy (Campbell Collaborataion), Promise Nduku (Pan-African Collective for Evidence), James Thomas (UCL), Winston Chow (Singapore Management University), Ruth Stewart (Future Evidence Foundation) Moderator: Jenn Thornhill Verma (McMaster Health Forum)